Nov 19, 2007

#16 wikis

I liked the Princeton Public Library reading wiki, especially since one "staff reviews" included one of my top library thing books " The Girls". The more information link was interesting giving some background on the source of inspriation for the book. I think there is a lot of potential to develop something similar on our library webpages.

#15 On Library 2.0

After listening to all these podcasts and being able to click on videos to learn about features, I'm finding that I'm getting bored with websites where I have to read to find out how to do something, am I in danger of turning into my teenage children?. Maybe we need to consider using links to video or sound on our library webpage for bits like membership information or a welcome to the library or a "look where your library card will take you" tour when members join online etc. There's lots of opportunites for members to share their reading experiences via the librarywebpage and tags etc making hte webpage alive rather than a static place to visit.

#14 technorati

I searched for learning 2.0 and then another subject but there seemed a lot to trawl through, even with an advanced search I found I couldn't narrow it down enough to be useful for my liking, but then maybe I need to spend more time learning how to use this site.

#13 del.ici.ous

I've had a look at del.ici.ous and an excellent video lesson on youtube on social bookmarking, make's it look so easy and useful

Nov 1, 2007

#12 Rollyo

Ok, I made a rollyo list but I've got no idea how to make it appear on my blog or why I would even want it there anyway. Perhaps I need to take a deep breath and revisit the whole Rollyo thing....another day

#11 Librarything

Making a list of some of my favorite library books was easy but I'm still pondering how I make all those covers show up on my blog.

Oct 19, 2007


Glitter Text custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more -


I used and

Oct 16, 2007

#8 RSS

I've subscribed to some feeds on blogline but haven't quite worked out how to link them to this blog

#7 Sidetracked

Technology can be very distracting and frustrating. I started someplace I can't now remember where, went looking at the library blogs to get inspiration, dipped into photobucket to find an image to upload, got sidetracked searching through the quotes area, after deciding I'd spent enough time, saved the link to a quote and then realised I'd lost the way back to whatever it was I needed the link for in the first place. So I didn't achieve (or even remember what ) the task I intially set out to reach, but I found some interesting things on the journey and wonder if maybe I missed an important step, either that or there is a problem with blogger that's preventing me from uploading the quote.


After being overwhelmed by trying to work out the mashup thing, none of this comes naturally too me. I settled on attempting to "Hockneyize" one of my photos using one of the tools, very easy!

Oct 2, 2007

#5 flickr

Just succeeded in uploading a photo onto flickr! Shame I couldn't seem to get the weblink to it to work ...lets see if this works Success!

Sep 24, 2007

Week 3

The Copying and Printing facitlies at the Grote Street branch of the City of Adelaide Library Service

Sep 21, 2007

Password dilemas are becoming a reoccuring theme for that I'm finally in the next step is to attempt to post a photo!

Sep 19, 2007

First steps

I'm a rare librarygirl who doesn't wear glasses (yet). The most adventurous (and coldest) thing I've done recently is snow camping & when I can figure out how I'll post a photo. Learning to blog is my next big adventure.